It's A Grind: How To Choose The Right Beans For Your Coffee
Posted on:
15 November 2021
If you're tired of coffee that all tastes the same, it's time to go to the source. It's time to grind your own coffee beans. Buying your own coffee beans is the best way to ensure a quality cup of coffee, every time. It's also a great way to experiment with coffee flavor. If you've never purchased coffee beans before, you'll need to do your homework. Here are some steps that will help you choose the perfect beans for your coffee.
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4 Unique Ways To Eat Pulled Pork At Barbecue Restaurants
Posted on:
26 July 2021
A staple at many barbecue restaurants is pulled pork. The meat soaks up barbecue sauces and includes a lot of layers of flavor. When you eat pulled pork, the meat is typically served on a sandwich or on its own. When you order pulled pork at BBQ restaurants, consider different ways to enjoy the meat.
Learn about some of your options and try some out the next time you dine at a barbecue restaurant.
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How To Make Awesome Coffee With Keurig Pods
Posted on:
30 December 2020
Sometimes coffee lovers turn up their noses at Keurig pods or k-cups. They may insist that they can make far better coffee in their French press or with some other fancy contraption. And indeed, they might make excellent coffee with these methods. However, it's disingenuous to insist that one can't make good coffee with Keurig pods. You can make an incredibly delicious morning cup with these pods — you just have to follow some specific steps and protocols.
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5 Reasons to Seek Expert Advice When Going Vegan
Posted on:
16 June 2020
If it's important for you to limit your animal product intake whether for health concerns or for your love of animals, you may be wondering how to get started. It's a big adjustment to go from eating all foods to eliminating all animal products, including dairy, cheese, and milk, etc. The good news is there are a lot of great resources out there that can help. It's a good idea to seek expert advice when going vegan.
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