• Four Types Of Equipment You'll Need For Your Sandwich Shop

    Did you know that almost half of all Americans eat one sandwich every day? Considering there are over 325 million people in the United States, that's a lot of sandwiches. If you have been considering opening a sandwich shop, now is a great time to do it. With so many sandwiches being consumed, your business is bound to be a success. Before you get started, however, you'll need to have all the right equipment.
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  • 4 Ways To Improve The Customer Experience At Your Bar

    In order for a restaurant to be successful, it needs to be great in every area. If your establishment also has a bar, this means that your bar services need to be just as good as the menu and customer service you deliver in the rest of your restaurant or business. Here are some of the steps you can take to improve the bar experience for each of your customers.
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  • Soft, Chewy Homemade Flatbread With Wholewheat Flour

    Flatbread is delicious for eating on its own as well as topping and enjoying as pizza. While most bakeries sell it, you may have trouble finding a whole wheat variety, which is preferable if you are trying to get a little more fiber in your diet or if you prefer a "nuttier" flavor. Luckily, baking flatbread at home is not terribly difficult, especially if you have made other yeast breads before.
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  • Delicious Rot: Four Foods Or Drinks Where Rot Or Disease Make The Product Even Better

    When you consider all of the oddities in the food world, none are quite so strange as those that are made from rotting ingredients. Love them or leave them, these foods and drinks are very popular. To try them, you only have to get them past your nose and into your mouth, but even then there is no guarantee that your palate will find them agreeable. Still, you should try these four foods or drinks just once, just to say you have tried them.
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